As I mentioned about a month ago, my dad inexplicably became councillor in the recent local elections – and I mean inexplicable in the nicest possible way. After recovering from the initial shock of election, he has set about his new role with relish, staggering under the Amazonian rainforest of paperwork that lands at our front door daily, and vigorously opposing most local plans. However, a single letter the other day became worth more than all the tree pulp in the Amazon. A little girl, age 9, decided, in her best handwriting, to write in with a small but significant request. I’ll let her take up the story… (click to zoom in)
DAMNED RIGHT, SOPHIE. I’ll sign your petition, if you make one, if you know what one is. NO MORE MOTORMIKES.
YES, absolutely. Harfield, Petersfield… no wonder she got a little confused and put Sophield…
Is she old enough to vote? I don’t think so, as yet she has no voice in the political world so get used to the motor bikes Soph its a cold cruel world 😉
Is she old enough to vote? I don’t think so, as yet she has no voice in the political world so get used to the motor bikes Soph its a cold cruel world 😉
CAW Blime
She’s going to get a ride in a Police car
– Paper candy
how very odd.