*tears roll down wibbler’s cheek*
You really should have a look at my long-time friend and fellow hostee Jonola14’s site – in particular the Jottings section. Just read about his car troubles, burst out laughing and upset the dog. Very funny INDEED.
On a more sombre note, Kylie’s single. (as in marital status, not a song… oh never mind…)
can i just mention that you totally crack me up. i read you everyday, and you never cease to bring me amusement.
end of transmission.
You can praise me till the cows come home, nikki, you really can. Go on.
um, you’re really neat?
That’s it, good work!
yes, he tidies his room EVERY DAY.
Have not been here a while. Who is this lovely Nikki? Appreciative of Wibbler, eh? Bene.
Ah, Franco, welcome back!
lovely? aww shucks. you’re so sweet. NOW CHECK OUT MY DAMN SITE!! damn multiple personality disorder.
Absolutely, totally, utterly, completely, entirely, and unquestionably ball-bouncingly SPLENDID.
i wish i could have balls too.
No, you don’t really… they are very expensive
footballs? Nah, they’re not that expensive, you can probably pick one up in JJB for about ?6.
i live in america, though.
ah, oh. Buy online….?
maybe i could just get a soccer ball instead.