Friend on Young Posh and Loaded

By April 29, 2002May 10th, 2007255 Comments

And then a friend stars on Young, Posh and Loaded (description at bottom of linkpage) – appearing thoroughly drunk with those big ears of his… although, hold on, LOADED? Where’s his number, I must get him to invite me somewhere…
UPDATE: There seems to be an awful lot of comments on this entry – where in jimeny’s name are you all coming from? Email me please, and put me out of my misery…


  • Maz says:

    Hey, That guy with the ears is cute! Do you really know him? Wana do a good deed and hoock a girl up? 🙂 xx

  • katie says:

    hey! are you talking about Jules from young posh and loaded?

  • Jules says:

    hey I am Jules, I really wanna do you a good deed..

  • Katie says:

    so Jules what good deed do you wanna do for me?

  • Jules says:

    i wanna make all your dreams come true….

  • Katie says:

    Well I have lots of dreams so it will be a challenge for you but im willing to give you a chance!

  • Adam says:

    I think that there should be a website dedicated to Donatella from young, Posh and Loaded. I spotted her in Harrods doing what she does best (shop) and she looked stunning. I think i am in love she’s tiny and beautiful with a cute smile. But the bad news was she a had a man on her arm. Lucky bastard! I have to see her again does anybody know where i can see any photo’s of her on the web? Trust me lads she’s outstanding!

  • jules says:

    well Katie, I am the sandman so get lets get to bed quick..

  • loni says:

    there was a tv crew at my uni last week (edinburgh) for what is apparently going to be a new series. does anybody know anything about this…? would make hilarious viewing cos i somehow managed to miss this one!

  • steffi says:

    i thimk jules is really fit i don’t live that far away from him

  • jack says:

    Hey is Donatella gonna be in the new series? She’s hot! What do you think?

  • jack says:

    Hey is Donatella gonna be in the new series? She’s hot! What do you think?

  • jack says:

    Hey is Donatella gonna be in the new series? She’s hot! What do you think?

  • tom says:

    Does anyone know the name of the club in London that ‘Jonny’held his night at?

  • Tom Sakes says:

    I have to say, without exception, that all of the people featured on Young Posh and Loaded are complete twats!! They are the most annoying individuals on the box at the moment.. and hopefully, they will all meet with grizzly ends!!!

  • JK says:

    [deleted due to defamatory remarks and solicitor approach]

  • Jason Martins says:

    thanks for your comment Tom. I totally agree with you. I watched it last night, and I could’nt believe how fucking annoying that silly young bitch and her lazy mum were. How could anyone want to associate with such fukcing morons!! Lord Raj!! what the hell is all that about. I dont have a problem with peer’s of the realm, but anyone who buys a title is a complete loser!!! see you around Raj… I fucking hope not!!

  • joey says:

    Wouldn’t it be great if a tv company asked donatella to see how she would cope for a few months without her dad’s money and see how she would survive in the real world. I think it would show her that life’s more than just money and she can be just as happy (or even happier) with total independance and that it is possible to get satisfaction from working.

  • Viscount Logan. says:

    You can call me whatever you want for me using my title on this site. However, i have used it to emphasise that the people featured on the ‘Young Posh and Loaded’ series are purely new money.
    A snobbish comment you may think, but i can assure you that i am not money orientated and do not feel – as with many of my friends – that this is the behaviour that should be depicted of the upper classes.In this instance i would please ask you to laugh at how desperatly these highly insecure and new monied people behave. Except for possibly the exception of Jules.
    Kind regards and appologies

  • sanjay says:

    Hi guys, it seems that everyone enjoyed the show. and now you can be part of it. Every thursday in the heart of London I host at a exclusive members bar/club a young,posh and loaded night of hard partying. If intersted please contact for guest list enquiries at see you there ladies and gents

  • sanjay says:

    Or contact 07947 469 945 for guest list enquiries. If your not posh, young or loaded your not coming in to party with the rset of them. and if you like the cameras well……. have you 5 minutes of fame ……

  • Katie says:

    Do the people who go on Young Posh and Loaded realise how ridiculous they look? For example that horrible girl who spends all her days shopping wasting money, and then when asked if she is spoilt replies no. It’s terrible to think that when compared Donatella looks normal.
    How can these people claim to be posh when they have no manners or morals. Most of them look like they would be better suited on Club Reps.

  • Jason Martins says:

    Reply to Sanjay.

    I would be amazed if anybody will stoop so low as to attend such a terrible sounding night, as yours. Im sure, in fact, Im positive, it will be full of under-educated idiots, with all the sex appeal of a wort-hog !!

    Good luck Sanjay.. you TWAT!!

  • Nathan says:

    hey leave donnatella alone
    i read in a magazine she was crying bcause she saw this website and was crying at all the nasty things you said about her.
    she was wicked.Just leave her alone she ain’t doe nout 2 u

  • mark magonde says:

    i think every one has their own opinions on the “young, posh and loaded”. but i think they are who they are! they might be different from the rest of you because you’re poor and miserable and you want to be horrible to them, due primarily to the fact that you dont have what they have! and they are ormal human beings!
    take me for example i love shopping and i have some clothes that reach up to ?7, 000 a piece but that doesn’t make me a bad person so leave them alone! by the way i thought the programme was excellent… donnatella was really lovely!

  • mark magonde says:

    i think every one has their own opinions on the “young, posh and loaded”. but i think they are who they are! they might be different from the rest of you because you’re poor and miserable and you want to be horrible to them, due primarily to the fact that you dont have what they have! and they are ormal human beings!
    take me for example i love shopping and i have some clothes that reach up to ?7, 000 a piece but that doesn’t make me a bad person so leave them alone! by the way i thought the programme was excellent… donnatella was really lovely!

  • enou londi says:

    hey, does anyone know how Lord Raj actually became a self made millionaire?

  • will says:

    chill out guys. i thought y, p & l was quality viewing. fair play to lord raj, he seems nice enough. donatella is blatently hot. obviously some fools on the programme – that toff who wants 2 run london and victoria aitken, i switched over, good luck 2 her! lmfao. donatella, pls get in touch, i’m loving ur work!

  • Wibbler says:

    enou, I think Raj made his millions making “larger” women’s underwear! Not glamourous, but hey look at his house now…

  • HAMPSTEAD says:


  • Gman says:

    [deleted due to defamatory remarks and solicitor approach]

  • The Real Katie says:

    can i just say i never wrote that thing above saying that i hated the people on young posh and loaded i like the show.By the way who the hell did write that crap?

  • Nicole says:

    A show should be created for these rich kids where they are given a budget of ?1200 to live on a month, out of that they have to pay their mortgate, bills, run their car, buy food etc etc and see how they do then. I have watched the show since it started. I have no problems with these people, however that Russian girl pissed me off when she made a comment about manicures, pedicures and hair salons and then huffed and puffed as if to say how boring it was. If she doesnt like doing then get a job like the rest of the plant. Raj, the self made millionaire, in some ways (except for the title), you have to rate because at least he did it from scratch. Donatella it seems, really doesnt know any different. Ppl must realise that at the end of the day it is the parents that spoil them, therefore how COULD they possibley know any different. Buying someone a ?45,000 when they can’t drive is just silly, why not wait until she passed her test at least.

  • Simon says:

    Hey who’s Hampstead? Anyone that thinks Donatella is HOT is so wrong! Still wouln’t say no though….Actually maybe she’d buy me a present? Where is she?

  • Simon says:

    Hey who’s Hampstead? Anyone that thinks Donatella is HOT is so wrong! Still wouln’t say no though….Actually maybe she’d buy me a present? Where is she?

  • Jason Martins says:

    To Mark Magonde.

    Im far from poor and miserable, quite the opposite in fact, but I dont need to flaunt my earnings. You are obviously some abseqious little nerd who thinks that clothes costing ?7k will look any better than clothes costing ?50.. idiot

  • This was a funny programme, I was disgusted at the views they held not that they were rich. Aitkin you are not black and you cant rap. Deal.

    Donatella, cant present but thinks she can, Look at how bad her Chealsea interview went. Just proves money cant buy talent. And I am sorry but she was not that good looking. In fact not at all, but each to their own.

    I went to private school and it was a split between the people like this and my group of friends who were comftable. Some of the really rich people were like in the prog others were great and were nothing like this, you kind of only find they had money when you went round to the house. (One of my ex-girlfriend had a go-cart track round the edge of the house, it was so good)

    Any way if they put the nice rich people up it would not make great TV, put the spoiled brats on or real toff nosed people and people have opinions and ratings will be held.

  • Wibbler says:

    Tom, firstly I agree, and secondly the sheer length of your comments are astounding. Well done you.

  • Jac says:

    hmmmm. Like Tom, posh school beckoned for me. I hated it. It was full of posh toffs who were (are still are) far too arrogant for their own good. The people on this programme are the same – they spoil themselves with expensive purchases because they do not know the value of money and they have no idea what the real world is all about. Take away their cash and they have the social skills of a boiled potato.

  • Lady L says:

    All I can say is that if I was that loaded, I’d b going out living it up and buying gorgeous clothes too! It doesn’t mean that just because these people enjoy the things they can afford, they dont have a personality.

  • *sweetie*pie* says:

    I think everyone on this website who has slated y, p and l is merely jealous. If you were lucky enough to have the kind of money Donatella and Jules etc have, then I am sure you would share the same attitudes and values as them. You’re all in denial!
    I know Donatella, and although not the prettiest or most inteligent girl, she is kind, friendly and bubbly. Above all she is just a very lucky girl, and not snobbish in the slightest.

  • *sweetie*pie* says:

    I think everyone on this website who has slated y, p and l is merely jealous. If you were lucky enough to have the kind of money Donatella and Jules etc have, then I am sure you would share the same attitudes and values as them. You’re all in denial!
    I know Donatella, and although not the prettiest or most intelligent girl, she is kind, friendly and bubbly. Above all she is just a very lucky girl, and not snobbish in the slightest.

  • *sweetie*pie* says:

    I think everyone on this website who has slated y, p and l is merely jealous. If you were lucky enough to have the kind of money Donatella and Jules etc have, then I am sure you would share the same attitudes and values as them. You’re all in denial!
    I know Donatella, and although not the prettiest or most intelligent girl, she is kind, friendly and bubbly. Above all she is just a very lucky girl, and not snobbish in the slightest.

  • fenella says:

    hello, i watched young posh and loaded and i too agree that these people with the exception of raj are spoilt little brats. what i also noticed is that although they all have money they have no class.fortunate to have had a privilidged background i am glad that my parents were able to teach me the value of hardwork and ambition. i do not think it fair to tar all with the same brush.

  • fenella says:

    hello, i watched young posh and loaded and i too agree that these people with the exception of raj are spoilt little brats. what i also noticed is that although they all have money they have no class.fortunate to have had a privilidged background i am glad that my parents were able to teach me the value of hardwork and ambition. i do not think it fair to tar all with the same brush.

  • George says:

    [deleted due to defamatory remarks and solicitor approach]

  • Alex says:

    [deleted due to defamatory remarks and solicitor approach]

  • ed says:


  • donatella says:

    I’ve found it very interesting to read all your comments. The good and the bad. May i start with saying i never dated anyone called Alex, do you even know what school i went to? Thanks though to all of you who stuck up for me…that was nice. I do have friends. and i’m sorry if some of you think i am the ugliest girl you’ve ever seen, thats the way i was born. And i am sorry that i was lucky enugh to be born into a family who has done well. New programme ou on itv very soon. i’ll be back to check what you thought. Bye xxx

  • Jac says:

    In response to my earlier comment – actually I never watched the programme at all so I haven’t a clue what the people are like. Ah well, it was fun stirring the pot…

  • alice says:

    [deleted due to defamatory remarks and solicitor approach]

  • daniel says:

    y doesn’t everybody leave donatella alone. She looked gorgeous in zoo magazine and she was brilliant on young posh and penniless. I also got the chance to meet her recently at a charity event and she was even more beautiful in the flesh. And also met her boyfriend who clearly loves her loads. She and her family almost died recently in the Tsunami and all u lot can do is slag her off. u r sick. if u know her u must be jealous 2 look her up on the net and slag her off. must be a very sad lonely person.

  • katie says:

    [deleted due to defamatory remarks and solicitor approach]

  • daniel says:

    Yeah saw the pics, she posted a note on a forum sayin it was a long time ago and she was drunk! She is tryin to get them removed as she says she is “mortified” Everyone makes mistakes. Those pics were over a year ago. Her boyfriend wasn’t on the show but i think they’ve been together for a while. He seems nice… Even though i am very jealous. I am startin up a fansite 4 her that should be up soon. i feel for her read some interviews and it seems she has been through alot. Keep liking her as i know she’ll do gr8 things. She just needs the support behind her that she deserves

  • daniel says:

    and that person that signed on as her isn’t her. I found out

  • katie says:

    ill give her another chance. sorry donatella if you read that. i was shocked! good luck in your career. you have a great personality on show!


    ps: who was the guy in the first rich young posh and loaded with donatella. he had his arm around her?

  • katie says:

    also what forum did she post that message? does she have her own website?

    that person that signed on as her in this message is her! how did you found out?

  • daniel says:

    not sure think she’s settin up a website. but i am gonna set up a fansite as i said so if u know anyone that loves her as much as i do let me know. Not sure who the boy from the 1st series is but it isn’t her boyfrienf 4 sure xxx

  • daniel says:

    found loads of links for Donatella and for pics and news about our fave reality star. Also see an interview with her @

  • katie says:

    why did she change her last name to ‘Valentina’. like holly Valance? I really like that guy in the 1st series who had his arm around her when they were crossing the road to get to Selfridges. I think his name is Alexander!!! can you find me some info?

  • daniel says:

    Donatella has a new show coming out soon out itv and i am in the middle of setting up, although she will be having an official site launch next month! which should be really cool but please keep checking my unofficial fansite for the beautiful and truly wonderful donatella. Also buy her calender at see ya

  • katie says:

    no Julia! the other one. not the guy with the dark brown hair. his friend in the shoe store. and I don’t believe you. prove it! what school did he go to and what occupation is he?

  • katie says:

    hey im in uni in melbourne. can you tell me what kind of tv show donatella has coming out. i’m really proud of her, but still upset about her drunkeness outside tantra nightclub.

    Donatella if you read this – if you can’t handle your drink, DON’T DRINK!

  • katie says:

    hey i know which school donatella went to!! italia conti academy. it’s a stage school.

    also daniel, you said you met her at a charity event. was that the one in the hilton hotel in london last year. I think it was in Novemeber or something, i lost the invitation, but couldn’t go because i’m in Melbourne Uni. I was invited by the Duchess of Kent. I can’t wait to go back to London!

  • julia says:

    James is the one with the dark hair and his friend is called vincent not alexander. James went to a school in kensington with vinnie called mpw! promise! james lives in chelsea, and donatella made a mistake by gettin drunk everybody does it katie. x

  • katie says:

    Do you know Vincent then, I don’t know why I thought his name was Alexander? His face looks a bit like russell crow. I was going to go to MPW to do my A-levels, but went to Lucie Clayton college instead.

    by the way. that is not really my email address. I just put it there because I don’t want weirdos emailing me so sorry to whoever’s email that is.

  • Tammy says:

    hey guys I don’t know why your picking on donatella. She’s annoying yeah but don’t you think that russian ana drouin deserves your contempt more? She acted so neveu… and the way she flaunted her STEPDAD’S MONEY was so disgusting, even for posh standards. I bet your poshy totty stomach’s churned in seeing her. I know mine did. I hated it when she said, men should pay and a woman’s role in life is to spend a man’s money. She doesn’t believe in equal rights on account that she’s an old fashioned girl. Well she’s not old fashioned she’s just plain lazy.

  • Tammy says:

    hey guys I don’t know why your picking on donatella. She’s annoying yeah but don’t you think that russian ana drouin deserves your contempt more? She acted so neveu… and the way she flaunted her STEPDAD’S MONEY was so disgusting, even for posh standards. I bet your poshy totty stomach’s churned in seeing her. I know mine did. I hated it when she said, men should pay and a woman’s role in life is to spend a man’s money. She doesn’t believe in equal rights on account that she’s an old fashioned girl. Well she’s not old fashioned she’s just plain lazy.

  • katie says:

    I wonder what happened to that russian girl tammy? I don’t think she made it to Uni…do you? lol

    At least Donatella was nice on that show. That russian girl is so weird. she said that if you don’t like the job your in then change it….umm…sweety…some people don’t have any choice and have you tried getting a job?

  • Tammy says:

    Katie dear, of course anyone who appears to be as hedonistic as that russian girl will be wierd. I mean the damage of replacing a proper classroom education with shoes and mathematics with price tags will be irrevocable. I don’t mean to judge, and I know its wrong because I get my impression from tv, but I think that if a person does nothing but shop and pamper herself all day with no intention of being a productive member of society she deserves a kick in the arse. Posh or no posh. At least Donattela seems to be practical. Didn’t she at least try to be a presenter or something??? Well its still a day job I guess. You may not believe me, but I think the more you are given in life, the better you should turn out to be. Your contribution to society must be greater, and if all you do is squander your money, well then KARMA. It might all disappear one day 🙂

  • katie says:

    I’m rich and my parents don’t do that to me. If they did it would ruin my personality. You know what, I’m happy that I haven’t been overly spoiled like that russian girl. She had the worst personality ever!!! My guy friends in London said that she will never be their girlfriend because she will drain their hard earned money. I’m glad i’m me and when I have kids, I won’t overly spoil them too.

  • katie says:

    also that russian girl was so mean to her mother. She always had a moody face. Her mother buys her stuff and when her mother was looking for the price tag of the bag, that russian grabed it and said something like ‘I’ll do it coz your looking in the wrong place…it’s ?1500’ or something like that. what a bitch!

  • katie says:

    Julia, any news on Vincent? I think he’s cute. I swear I saw him in the mayfair club.

  • Karrie says:

    Speaking of that Russian Girl, nope I don’t think she made it to University. You don’t need a degree to be a trophy wife. All you have to do is look really beautiful and charming and thats it. She’ll probably go to Finishing school or something (bloody eek) marry an idiot or a fag with money and shop her life away. (I am so mean teehee!)

  • katie says:

    heyyyyyyyy meanie..heehee I went to finishing school for my gap year before uni!

    That russian girl needs to sort out her attitude to keep a man, or he’s just gonna go and find somebody else. nah!

    ps: I’m on here all the time, aren’t I? I should be studying, but it’s soooo boring!

  • julia says:

    u probably did see vincent at mayfair club he used 2 be there every friday xx

  • julie may says:


  • sally says:

    Just had a little look at the sites with donatella on and they looked cool! ( and got any more?

  • katie says:

    you know what? I was expecting him to be hot. But guess what? He looks like white trash! He has his hands on her boobs. No Donatella, I do not respect you! Goodbye and get some pride! I feel sorry for your parents from all theyve done for you and all you get is white trash!

  • katie says:

    OMG DANIEL lied to me!!! You said she was drunk did you. Well look at the pictures in planet xposure and she is at it again! What a scank!!!

  • katie says:

    Hey Julia, whats Vincent doing? Is he in Uni? Single? Straight? Good personality?

    I’m only here for Vincent now.

  • jackie laney says:

    [deleted due to defamatory remarks and solicitor approach]

  • katie says:

    [deleted due to defamatory remarks and solicitor approach]

  • katie says:

    Jackie did you see pictures of her boyfriend in the web addresses above? He looks like a troll!!!!

  • jackie laney says:

    oh yeah katie, he’s a minger. Nothing on the guys she dated at school now. She was a right little ho, used to get up to all sorts behind the pianos in the studios with the guys! And yeah, it was browns nightclub.

  • katie says:

    jackie were you at Italia conti too? Did you know a girl called suzanne? She went to lucie clayton with me and was such a ho!!! Always comparing herself to geri haliwell and always talking about when she’s famous and crap like that.

  • Donatella says:

    Hello everybody. This is the real me. And i am open to all your comments. I have also put my real email address for anyone that wishes to email me. Jackie what is your real name as i am afraid i don’t remember you. I am not a horrible or nasty person and anyone that knows me can tell you that. As for my boyfriend he has done nothing to any of you and i love him dearly and wouldn’t change him for the world. I think he is gorgeous and frankly don’t care what others think. As for being a ho?! I left school a virgin so don’t know how that is possible. And please get your facts straight about my father as he didn’t go to jail for drug dealing. And nobody has any right to say anything about my boyfriend or family. If you hate me then fine say whatever you want. I am happy and secure enough not to let it bother me. I have made mistakes everybody has. And i have done things that i have regretted. But you live and you learn. Jackie if you really feel that way about me then why don’t you give your real name?

  • katie says:

    [deleted due to defamatory remarks and solicitor approach]

  • bert says:

    [deleted due to defamatory remarks and solicitor approach]

  • donatella says:

    thanks roberta nice to know you feel that way! The reason i didn’t make it to your house is cause i was taken into hospital and had to stay in for two weeks and have an operation. I am still not better but thank you. Thank you very much!

  • Tania says:

    Was out with James, Jimmy and the gang in Tramp on Saturday night….. Didnt see Donnatella, Julia or any of these other so called faces there…. Then again thats no real surprise. LOL.

  • Andy Singh says:

    Hi its Andy. Im jame’s best friend. and i know for a fact that it took him 5 min to cum, so i dont know what julia is talking about, because those 5 min were the best in my whole life. The time we spent together it compensated for the size of his tenny tinny penis

  • julia says:

    who is andy?

  • katie said: says:

    anyone know donatella’s friend ‘Vincent’? Who is he and what does he do now?

  • Tania says:

    S. you must be joking. Donnatella was crazy about James, she used to stalk him. If he was texting her to come over, he was doing it to take the piss, believe me I saw how many messages she used to send him, (we all used to laugh about it) pretty much asking to be shagged! I find you and her very comedic! I’m sorry that she doesn’t go to superficial clubs (because of course she is far too cool for that!)but I find it strange because she has always died to be part of that scene, I mean why else would she go on a show called Young, Posh & Loaded!!!! I have no time to search her name on the internet, she is a loser as are you, I just wont have stupid girls talking about a friend of mine…x

  • Tania says:

    S. you must be joking. Donnatella was crazy about James, she used to stalk him. If he was texting her to come over, he was doing it to take the piss, believe me I saw how many messages she used to send him, (we all used to laugh about it) pretty much asking to be shagged! I find you and her very comedic! I’m sorry that she doesn’t go to superficial clubs (because of course she is far too cool for that!)but I find it strange because she has always died to be part of that scene, I mean why else would she go on a show called Young, Posh & Loaded!!!! I have no time to search her name on the internet, she is a loser as are you, I just wont have stupid girls talking about a friend of mine…x

  • Michael says:

    James is a fucking legend. The man is true gangster. I never seen someone tear up a club like James… I’ll vouch for him anytime. Big pimping and long may it continue and for all you haters… Go fuck yourselves! Peasants!

  • s says:

    Listen Tania may i just say that Donatella did not know the name of the show and have you forgotten that James was also on the programme!!!!!! Donatella has never said a bad word about James neither have i and i have no idea who “julia” is either! Donatella is a nice person and has never done anything wrong to you, so why are you being so nasty? Are you Jealous? Well if you were, you wouldn’t admit it would you? She has never been desperate to be part of any “scene” Her parents were in the industry for a long time and she has had a lot of fake friends simply so they could get into the best and most exclusive parties. She is a normal girl who just happens to be very lucky. She is one of the most generous wonderful friends anyone could ever wish for. How did you find this website if you didn’t search her on the net? I understand why people hate on her and on people like James and it’s cause they wish they were in their shoes! And she she doesn’t think she is “too cool” either she is just happy spending time with people that really care about her, not peope that suck up when they see her and bitch behind her back. Wannabe’s like Jasmine Lennard should be getting slagged off, she is the fraud! Donatella is not a fraud she is the best ever! I love you LITTLE ONE XXX

  • Reynolds says:

    Sod it all of you!!! I’m here for that Anna girl. She’s hot. Does anyone know her? Is she really as shallow as she was portrayed. Unlike Donatella she was never heard from since. BTW Donatella loved your work you were pretty funny and amusing.
    Ey blokes its just a show have a good laugh don’t take anything personally. I’m sure these stars are normal people with normal lives who just happen to have more money than the rest of us.

  • katie says:

    Hi Donatella

    It’s me again. I just want to say that you look so much better than before. You lost weight and now you are dressing better and look stylish. Keep up the good work and don’t dress like a skank again.


  • porsche says:

    Hey Katie

    I remember watching the first series and under Vincent’s name, it said something like austrian prince or something???

  • s says:

    yeah donatella looks great doesn’t she! She just got a job on MTV and is doing really well, do you live in London Katie?

  • katie says:

    My parents and I moved from london to Melbourne recently and I am studying at Melbourne university but really miss london. I’m so happy for donatella and hope she won’t switch again to a jordon-look-a-like.

    Does anybody know anything about Vincent? I highly doubt he’s an austrian prince Porsche but thanx for your reply.

  • katie says:

    I just looked at celebrity photos again and Donatella is doing it again. Oh well, it’s her life, but she will regret it. Must be going through a phrase. I feel sorry for her parents….

  • s says:

    lots of those photos are old they just keep bringing them up cause she’s been so good lately. What website are you looking at?

  • Katie says:

    I don’t remember which press website but it did say halloween night 2005 with her fugly boyfriend and he was carrying her, and she had her butt in the air with a g-string on.

  • s says:

    that was last year and she was wering hotpants underneath a dress.

  • s says:

    um yes it was cause this halloween she was skiing! And the dress has hotpants sewn in!

  • s says:

    i LOVE the way “jackie” and ‘Tania” have dissapered cause they got shut up! Jealousy never wins ladies x Oh and Katie Vinnie is a prince!

  • katie says:

    Oh okay thank you for clearing that up s said about donatella. I never said that I hated her which is why I try to give advice, but obviously I was wrong. Loved her on Rich, Young, Posh and Loaded. She was the only one with a personality.

    Vinnie’s a prince!!!!!! For what country and what is he doing now! I still like him even if he isn’t a prince. Please answer me….

  • s says:

    not to sure what he’s doing now. He is a prince from Austria. Next time your in London let me know and i’ll tell you places you might be able to accidently on purpose bump into him xx

  • katie says:

    Do you know Vinnie ‘S said’? Are you one of Donatella’s friends?

    Tell me what he is like?
    And what is his last name?
    I don’t know why, but when I saw him on tv, I really like him. He is soo nice to donatella. Did they date or were they just friends?
    Maybe he is in a serious relationship? Is he popular with the girls? If so, not good.

    As you can tell, I need some info….all I know is that he went to MPW with James. I was going to go there, but went to lucie clayton instead.

  • s says:

    Donatella and him were just really really good friends like her and james. His last name is something really long and difficult. I don’t think he has a grlfriend as he’s really shy! I’m one of Donatella’s best friends and people like Tania and Jackie are really nasty cause they are jealous. They don’t say things to be helpful like you they just try and put her down and she puts on a brave face but i know deep down it hurts her. I know Suzanne Mason we were at school with her. She is really fake and annoying. I’ll try my best to find out some more info for you about Vinnie and i’ll get back to you xx

  • katie says:

    [deleted due to defamatory remarks and solicitor approach]

  • katie says:

    To Jacob Rothschild (If that is really you). My older brother went to Eton college with your Ben Goldsmith.

  • Katie says:

    Opps….take out the ‘your’ in my last post. My older brother was in ‘PSTW’ house.

  • s says:

    yeah i was at school with Donatella from the age of 5! We’re best best friends and she’s the kindest girl i know.

    I think you and vinnie would be cute together.

    When you next in London? Where do you stay? xx

  • katie says:

    I graduate end of 2006 so I will be going around europe for a few months with friends. Let’s just say that I will be in London around beginning of 2007.

    Could you please find some info out for me? How old is he? Is he single? What career does he want to go into? Is he in uni?

    That Jacob guy said that James’ father is like a tycoon, but Donatella said that his family own Marks & Spencers(sp?).

    Just curious. Were you that girl who was in Donatella’s room in Rich, Young, Posh & Loaded?

    Also how are we going to email each other without putting out our emails? This isn’t my real email address.

    Do you personally know Vinnie?

  • Wibbler says:

    Katie – you lookin’ to stalk him?!

  • Katie says:

    No Wibbler. I am not going to stalk him. I just think he’s cute and if ‘S said’ knows him, then she can introduce me or not.

  • david says:

    found this

    Most recently Donatella has landed herself her own show on Sky music channel “U”. She will be interviewing the stars and commenting on them and their outfits at various events. She has also presented an award at 2005’s Best of British Awards at the Shepherds Bush Empire.

  • daniel says:

    david where did you find that?

  • daniel says:

    everybody join donatellas forum it’s amazing!

  • katie says:

    [deleted due to defamatory remarks and solicitor approach]

  • katie says:

    Look what I found about Suzanne mason I went to Lucie Clayton with!!! Also what stir did she cause in Lucie Clayton? What rubbish, there was no stir????

    19-year-old Suzanne Mason has a biog to make someone twice her age green with envy. The club-entrepreneur, Lucie Clayton graduate, Italia Conti golden child, ex-Sun Lolly girl, actress and sometimes singer talks to Victoria Gill about Fulham life, Martine McCutcheon and the meningitis attack that launched her career.

    Suzanne Mason is a pretty, chatty and surprisingly savvy nineteen-year-old. The first time we met I was reviewing her club Purple and, in typically lackadaisical style, had omitted to warn them that I would be arriving that evening. “You have to let me in, I’m reviewing.” I pleaded. “Why should I believe that? You could be anyone, you’ve got no ID.” After a healthy amount of verbal wrangling I was eventually allowed in, but that’s another story and, needless to say, things have warmed between us since that frosty introduction.

    Her dad is Brian Mason, the club entrepreneur whose West London empire includes such high profile venues as The Astoria, Purple, The Box and Croc’s. Unlike many girls in her position, who’d rather spend their days counting their own freckles and watching their allowance build up than risk breaking a fingernail, Suzanne hasn’t been struck by the lazy bug. Indeed, when asked what her motto is, she answers, “Life isn’t a rehearsal: just live it.” It’s an attitude no doubt borne after her near-death experience when, at the age of seven, she was struck down and hospitalised for two months in a devastating bout of meningitis.

    “When I first had it, no one had really heard of it, so it was a big thing in Fulham. I was in hospital for two months and one girl died, so when I came out my parents said that I could do whatever I wanted to.” Suzanne tells me. “I’d always loved singing and acting, but my parents had wanted me to get a proper education. At the time I was at a convent school and there were a lot of rumours going round, so when I came out they said that I could study at The Arts School for a year. But I was getting so much TV and film work that they let me stay.”

    At the age of 13 Suzanne joined the Italia Conte School, a world famous institution that can count Louise Nurding and Naomi Campbell as ex-pupils. Suzanne subsidised her advertising, theatre and film work – she was the Sun-Lolly girl in England and the Cool Aid Girl in America, a featured extra in Four Weddings and a Funeral and played Clara in the West End production of Durenmatt’s The Visit at the Wyndham’s Theatre – with jobs at her dad’s clubs and restaurants. By day she attended classes with Charlie Brooks (Janine in Eastenders – “Charlie was nice. She was one of the quieter ones, she wasn’t really a favourite, and nor was I, but I think that makes you want it more,”) and Kelly from Liberty X – by night she was a cashier and waitress.

    At the age of sixteen she caused a stir at Lucie Clayton, where the titled girls didn’t quite know what to make of the “flamboyant night club owner’s daughter”, before starting work on what would turn out to be Fulham’s most popular night spot, Purple, where she is now Promotions Manager.

    Suzanne is Fulham born and bred, she describes the scene and population as affluent and quite cliquey, a bit like a village that people don’t venture out of too often. She also says that it’s safe and friendly, though complains that the properties are too expensive, the number 14 bus never comes and there’s limited parking spaces. On the plus side Fulham’s become very trendy over the past two or three years, with younger people and celebrities, such as Atomic Kitten’s Natscha Hamilton and Michelle Collins, moving to the area. One of its main draws, of course, is Purple, where Suzanne is Promotions Manager.

    Many people travel to Fulham just to visit the club. It’s a yuppy-filled pulling joint that’s renowned for having the best male totty in town. “One of the most unusual things about Purple’s the amount of female:female fights over men!” she tells me. An Indie journalist I know recently went there to check the club’s pullability and ended up snogging five men and waking up next to a complete stranger. Another testament to the club’s success is that, on Saturday nights, when Nick House promotes, they can turn up to 400 people away. Suzanne’s older brother James, the co-owner of Purple, dated Martine McCutcheon for a while and they remain good friends now. She, along with Johnny Lee Miller, Lisa Faulkner, Boy George, Mick Hucknall and the cast of Eastenders are regulars at the club.

    Watch this face.

  • daniel says:

    It’s just sexy pics Katie everyone does it they’re not slutty stop being such an up tight prude. EVERYONE GO AND SHOW DONATELLA SUPPORT @ http://WWW.DIVADONATELLA.COM

  • katie says:

    Everyone one does it? Um..I don’t think so daniel. How old are you anyway, like 15? It is not sexy at all, it’s skanky.

  • Daniel says:

    You’re just hating Katie CLEARLY your jealous! What’s she ever done to you? Name me one attractive female celeb who hasn’t done a mens mag shoot?

  • katie says:

    [deleted due to defamatory remarks and solicitor approach]

  • daniel says:

    you didn’t answer my question. Like i said, what attractive female celeb hasn’t done a mens mag shoot. You’re sad enough to write about her. Just cause you’re probably a fat spotty minger! Yu wouldn’t want a daughter like her? What an extremely successful, intelligent, beautiful, famous, talented, kind, sexy, amazing young lady? Donatella works very hard and is doing way better than you probably are you sad weird stalker loser! Everyone that slags Donatella off is jealous that they are not in her EXPENSIVE shoes! Nuff said. Bye freak

  • katie says:

    You have some seriously problems daniel, I suggest you go see a shrink. I’m not a spotty minger thank you, you have no idea who you are talking to. Sounds like you are Donatella.

  • katie says:

    A list of celebs that haven’t done men’s mags and that are ALOT hotter than Donatella and way more famous as not many people know who Donatella is:

    Julia Roberts (Announced most paid actress)
    Rachel Mcadams
    Reese Witherspoon
    Kelly Clarkson
    Mary Kate & Ashley Olsen
    Mandy Moore
    Sarah Jessica Parker
    Claire Danes
    Mischa Barton
    Kate Hudson

    And a whole load more…

  • daniel says:

    Sorry but at least 4 of those women have appeared in mens mags! You idiot. I think you need the shrink you sad deluded prude. Vinnie was on tv 4 YEARS ago and your still trying to stalk him from the other side of the world. I’ve seen you on Donatellas site Tiggy, i’m Donatellas biggest fan and you are very jealous. Not many people know who Donatella is? 10 Million alone in the uk have watched her on tv not to mention the rest of the world so get your facts straight. Clearly you’re a very uptight little bitch who needs to get laid!

  • katie says:

    Which 4 Daniel *cough*donatella*coough*. What’s with the language problem. Stop looking up yourself on the net. People around the world who? I’m from England and the majority of people who watched her don’t give a crap about her. She’s not pretty, nor has she done anything big. You will see, your career won’t lift off because of what you are doing. CLEARLY you have a lot of time to go on the net. Wheras I’m supposed to be studying for my exams. So if you don’t mind, this is farewell, drowned rat.

  • daniel says:

    I wish i was Donatella cause i don’t think you’d have the guts to say that to her! Why don’t you go on her forum and say rude stuff? I forgot you already have Tiggy and you were kissin her arse! Big sister blah blah… Donatella has appeared in EVERY major publication in the world, has her own tv show, book, video, and website full of fans. Donatella is probably a MILLION times better looking than you, and like i said what the hell has she ever done wrong to you? Just because your an uptight, ugly, sad, stuck up Virgin. You think you can look down on her. Yeah i have alot of time to go on the net cause i’m a single IT developer with nothing better to do. Why are you tying to put her down, even the wner of this site has called you a stalker. Whatever you have to say about her say it to HER!

  • Clara says:

    What a load of crap Daniel. Over exaggeration on the ‘all the major publications’. I suggest Anger Management…

  • daniel says:

    another one pops up!tiggy katie clara, whoever. Name me a mag or paper and she’s been in it. I aint angry just feel sorry for her cause she aint hurt nobody she just doing her job like the rest of us. But she’s got too many haterz

  • Sasha says:

    I’ll name ones she hasn’t been in:

    Marie Claire

  • Daniel says:

    Another “new” mystery person, she has been in Greek Vogue twice and had a diary pic in British Vogue. Elle once and a feature in the next March edition, she’s been in cosmo twice too! Not sure about Allure but check her CV on her website and get your facts straight love

  • adi says:

    [deleted due to defamatory remarks and solicitor approach]

  • katie says:

    Ha ha today I just saw what reply I got from “daniel” after every publication in the world!!! Just saw her CV and it is mostly newspapers and men’s mags. what a joke!

  • Daniel says:

    That’s funny katie there is so many more womens mags than mens and obviously she’s been in papers too. What have you been in? Sorry but i think Donatella has achieved alot for someone so young! Like i said say it to her face loser. Go on her forum and get it all off your chest you loser. Then you can feel better than you’ve hurt a nice persons feelings. You make me sick!

  • Daniel says:

    Besides there aint that many mens mags and she has been in every womens mag as far as i can see! What is your problem?

  • mko says:

    [deleted due to defamatory remarks and solicitor approach]

  • Daniel says:

    Sorry but you can’t see her tits and she aint naked so katie get a life and stop postin as new people!

  • marissa says:

    [deleted due to defamatory remarks and solicitor approach]

  • daniel says:

    No she aint a porn star a porn star goes full frontal naked and gets fimed having sex with lots of different blokes. If a girl can shop the top of her boobs y can’t she show the bottom half? Katie you are so so sad. ou wish you had a body like her. Leave her alone, she has feelings you know! She aint done nowt to nobody so give it a rest.

  • marissa says:

    u mean i wish i was a midget?

  • Daniel says:

    You’re sick in the head katie aka tiggy aka marissa. Why on earth would you bother doing all this if you weren’t jealous and twisted. You aint got the balls to go on her forum. I hope you fuckin die in your sleep for what you’ve said about poor Donatella you stupid jumped up virgin.

  • Katie says:

    That’s not me you idiot!!!

  • daniel says:

    Yeah whatever katie spare it. just like you aint tiggy i suppose whatever

  • Daniel says:

    just been on donatella panayiotou s forum and she is in Now mag this week don’t be hatin Katie

  • Jamie says:

    Katie, who are your older brothers? I left Eton in 99 in JMN.

  • Gary says:

    Donatella is Fantastic go and join her forum at
    There are loads of pics.


  • Brian says:

    Tell her Daniel!!! Katie has been in this site for four years and all she talks about is Vincent, Vincent, Vincent. She’s the one constant thing in this site. And how pathetic is that! Asking complete strangers in websites detailed information about a person after four years!!! Why doesn’t she just ask her own posh friends who she knows, or why doesn’t she just stick to a real person instead of one she’s been romanticizing and fantasising in her head for four years! Get a life KATIE!!!!

  • Brian says:

    PS: I am a wanker

  • katie says:

    I’m a lonely stalker-poser

  • Brian says:

    I’m really Donatella

  • Katie says:

    See how easy it is to pose as someone else….take a hint.

    I’m not coming anymore so post what you like Donatella.

  • Frederick Douglas says:

    Hi Miss Jackson, where are you from?

  • xellex says:

    hi! just wanted to say your comments bout donatella are crap Katie, i think i remember you on her forum not so long ago asking bout someone you like of the show and lets say you went all crazy!!
    Get a life , find a boyfriend a real one!!And stop stalking!!

    Go and visit donatella’s site. x x

  • npo says:

    [deleted due to defamatory remarks and solicitor approach]

  • Sandra says:

    Donatella is a great entertainer. She was born to be a star. I don’t appreciate all your crappy comments about her Katie, you’re just jealous and your obsessed with the show! You hate Donatella because she’s everything your not and you try to ruin her name in this site while pretending to be posh! Stop sour graping and don’t hate Donatella because your jealous.

  • Sandra says:

    I’m sorry but I really hate it when someone bashes D. I just have to say this…Better yet, stop stalking and obsessing about posh people Katie and don’t let your angst out on D because you aren’t one of them.

  • jemz says:

    everyone who slags off donatella is just jealous of her cause if you didn’t like someone and weren’t jealous of them then you wouldn’t waste you time talkin about them. Donatella is a lovely girl and you that hate her have sad empty lives wishing you were in her shoes

  • julia says:

    everyone who slags off donatella is just jealous of her cause if you didn’t like someone and weren’t jealous of them then you wouldn’t waste you time talkin about them. Donatella is a lovely girl and you that hate her have sad empty lives wishing you were in her shoes

  • holly says:

    sorry, but everyone that is totally takin the piss out of donatella is rather over the top and they are jealous,i would’nt be suprised if they wanted to be her, and katie sort you life out and i am sure prince charming will sweep you off you feet (lol or not) no one loves a stalker.
    does nobody like that Lord Tom Clayton, he seems to be the only one who does’nt focus on money all the time and when he does hes talking about making his own not what daddy has given him.

  • Vincent says:

    I would rather not have any stalkers thankyou. I did the show to get some laughs and I hope others did to as well.

    -Yes, I do have a girlfriend. Amalia. She’s gorgeous and inteligent. Sorry Katie I’m taken.

  • holly says:

    haha thats rather funny gutted for you katie owell shit happens lol and i did say no one loves a stalker lol!

  • katie says:

    Sorry but this just makes me laugh!!! I cannot believe that you pose as Vincent. You wanna know why because I am an expert at IP addresess and have just checked yours. Its the same! hahaha Sad loser…I never wanted to stalk Vincent. Only thought he was cute and coming back to London. Sorry Donatella you are a complete skank and please stop posing as other people. You are a complete joke! I feel extremely sorry for you mum!

    It’s been fun winding you up..hahahah I have to decided to check this website because I know that you are going to reply either as yourself or as another person.

  • Brian says:

    Oh god the stalker pretending to be posh is back. Katie is obviously jealous of Donatella because she’s everything she’s not. Hot, rich, posh and FAMOUS. Stop hating Donatella or calling her a skank because she got to star in the show you’re obsessed about! Or, (ahem, ahem) got to KNOW PERSONALLY (Not imaginatively) the guy you’ve been fantasising about for four years. Furthermore Katie, you’re rather naive to think that Donatella will actually come to this site. Why? Because YOU’RE in it? Come on…Donatella doesn’t even know you exist. The only reason you come to this site is so you can indulge on your fantasies of being like Donatella. “Oh I’m Katie I’m posh with brothers who go to eton, I get invited to socials by the Duchess of Kent, too bad I lost the invitation haha : )” (right). You’re always here because no one will listen to you in the real world, because your words are just crazy ramblings of a mad stalker”. Donatella is hot and famous. Her success will make any mother proud. I feel sorry for you’re mother Katie, Imagine having a stalker for a daughter who makes vilifying malicious remarks about a girl as funny as Donatella. She doesn’t need to pose as someone else to answer you, her millions of fans do enough of that for her. Me included, a middle class bloke (proud of it) who thinks she’s great. You however are pathetic. You need to pose as someone else to
    demean her, why? Because you’re the only one who doesn’t appreciate her charm, because you’re too busy hating her. She’s not a loser YOU are. She got to star in YP&L while you’re stuck to insulting her behind her back in this site. See you around stalker, and loser. Maybe if you fantasize about Vincent for four more years you might see him walking around Saville row with a gorgeous sophisticated woman, while you’re carrying groceries and sourgraping Donatella. He might even look at you, for five seconds haha. Don’t ever Bash Donatella again Katie.

  • Brian says:

    P.S. If ever he does in the next (I don’t know) 20 years, for god’s sake don’t stalk him. When you meet Donatella, stop bitching about her and just do what you’ve always wanted, get her autograph : ) xxx

  • holly says:

    sorry i am not posing as donettela nor Vincent so take your little expert on IP addresses and stick it your arse!
    and has anbody noticed that katie has bitched about donatella so much she has mannaged to turn this bak to herself and making everyone comment on her?
    brian your comments on the matter were rather funny! lol 🙂 xxx

  • rachael says:

    i agree with holly. babes your fab and does anybody else think tom clayton is fit in a strange sort of way. xx

  • Katie says:

    Ha Ha “Brian” you are funny. You wrote alot!!!!

  • Gary says:

    Donatella Panayiotou has a new forum at come and join its free

  • mick says:

    [deleted due to defamatory remarks and solicitor approach]

  • holly says:

    sorry i dnt sit hea talkin about a porn star

  • mick says:

    at least this katie girl isnt a pornstar!

  • yelp says:

    you’re so obviously Katie, a porn star is someone who make sex films and donnatella has never made any blue movies

  • mick says:

    [deleted due to defamatory remarks and solicitor approach]

  • Gary says:

    what you going on about there is no naked pics of donatella on her site you people are mad

  • julia says:

    that person is so obviously virgin loser stalker Katie, who doesn’t know the difference between a naked picture and a sexy picture, And just so you know a porn star is someone who makes adult movies and i don’t believe donnatella has ever done that. Leave her alone and get a feckin life

  • julia says:

    that person is so obviously virgin loser stalker Katie, who doesn’t know the difference between a naked picture and a sexy picture, And just so you know a porn star is someone who makes adult movies and i don’t believe donnatella has ever done that. Leave her alone and get a feckin life

  • mick says:

    [deleted due to defamatory remarks and solicitor approach]

  • S says:

    Katie stop posing as Mick just so that you have an excuse to hang out here coz you don’t have real friends outside. Stalker-Loser-Virgin!!! Donatella’s great She’s a good person who happens to be very funny

  • mick says:

    just to say that this isn’t kaite, if u think that kaite is the only person in the world who thinks donatella is an ugly porn star, then hun, ur deeply mistaken, the girl has no respect for herself, her bf or her family, and as for her being funny, with her looks, thats the only thing she can be!

  • Joey says:

    Hello all,
    Couldn’t believe how much you are all so obsessed with Donnatella… so i snuck a look at her website …. i am on team ‘she’s a minger’ …. whats all the fuss about …. she is a nobody … who gives a f*ck!

  • Joey says:

    Hello all,
    Couldn’t believe how much you are all so obsessed with Donnatella… so i snuck a look at her website …. i am on team ‘she’s a minger’ …. whats all the fuss about …. she is a nobody … who gives a f*ck!

  • Katie says:

    Let’s change the subject coz I fed up of hearing about that minger.

    Any sloanys in here?

  • Joey says:

    Whats a Sloany?

  • David says:

    Camilla Al Fayed is the Paris Hilton of London not Donatella. What a joke!

  • Katie says:

    We are not talking about Donatella anymore…

  • Katie says:

    A sloaney is a person who hangs out or lives near Kingsroad, Sloane Square.

  • ramper says:

    you lot are so weird. Donatella is the dogs bollocks so just get over it and stop being so jealous. Camilla Al fayed and is hot too but Donatella don’t claim to be the british Paris Hilton. Katie nobody wants to talk to you and your obsession about rich and elite people unlike your scummy sad self. Donatella rules and anyone who says she don’t is just weird.

  • Katie says:

    Oh geez. It’s Donatella again. Nice giveaway with the IP address. So tell me? Do you enjoy coming to forums and forcing people to like you? And as a matter of fact, I was a sloaney. And dogs bollocks? Yes Donatella is the dogs bollocks.

  • Joey says:

    Jeez you guys get mean … why is everyone so obsessed and so pretentious! Do you not have anything better to talk about? Its just all about this Donna bird! Blah blah she is the best blah blah she’s the greatest. She is just some girl! Thats all. If she could see all this banter and bickering i imagine she would laugh herself to sleep.
    Oh and Sloaney …. thats just another stereotyping word for posh chav isnt it… Public school kid stylee …. an address does not make you who you are. You guys need to come down off your high horses and realise that …. you just sound silly… not to mention gold digging and up yourselves!

  • ramper says:

    hello finally joey is on to something. Katie you need to seriously get a grip and an ip address doesn’t give away who you are you moron like donatella needs to come on here and see all you sad people she’s a bit too busy for all that

  • julie says:

    [deleted due to defamatory remarks and solicitor approach]

  • Joey says:

    Yeah i can’t imagine she would be that interested in what a load of nobodies have to say about her…. i cant believe there has been a conversation going for over 4 years debating whether she is liked or not … what difference does it make! Do any of you people actually know this girl …many of you talk as though you do … and if so why even bother entering into arguments with people that obviously don’t…
    whats with the credit card fraud Julie?? I’m intrigued ……
    How old are you guys anyway? Is like student world?? Just out of interest …. Jo x

  • daniel says:

    if you bother to read the papers or Donatella’s forum then you will know that the case was thrown out of court as it wasn’t Donatella it was a mistake and then they had no evidence what so ever to say it was her. Donatella was framed but it didn’t work as she was innocent.

  • Joey says:

    Oh my god you people are obsessed with her aren’t you …. ‘read her forum’ ….. ummm nope not lately

  • Katie says:

    Ha ha Joey you are beginning to make me laugh. I get you. It’s just fun winding her up that’s all. I actually stumbled on this forum with a google search of Friends tv show for a mass media assignment. I remember seeing one episode of this stupid show ‘young posh and loaded’ and just wrote rubbish to see what would happen. And then people started answering. But I’m in London now and nobody knows who she is. She isn’t famous. Just desperate. Okay I’m supposed to be studying gotta go.

  • Joey says:

    Well thats ok then!! For one moment i thought you were getting a little obsessive …. I too only just saw this show by chance (or part of it anyway) .. just enough to make me feel nauseous … so i know the girl you mean … brown wart/mole type thing growing on her face yes? (that will get her fan club going.. lol) Plenty of other peoples money to spend at the time if i recall correctly … (oooh the fan base are gonna be screwing at me now!) hee hee.
    So Katie what are you studying .. how old are you and what part of London are you in … i’m like 50 miles away Northampton .. 28 years old ..
    Joey x

  • Gary says:

    Donatella is nothing like the girl on young posh and loaded that was filmed years ago come and see what she is really like before you slag her off

  • Joey says:

    Hardcore Donna fan alert!!! Arghh .. you guys get so upset …. why let it bother you … not everyone can like and admire everyone else… why so defensive all the time …. Oh and so that wasnt Ole Donna on that show then … it was her Lookey likey …
    She aint no Paris/Sienna.. she is a no-one, not that thats a bad thing … so deal with it.

  • Katie says:


  • Maty and Richie G says:

    Mat and Richie G wana do some slags go give us a go!!

    PS were young posh and loaded too

  • ilovedonatella says:

    i love donatella so much as she always has time for her fans and she’s gonna be a big star one just you wait and see

  • Katie says:

    Of course Donatella always has time for her fans. She doesn’t have that many to begin with, she’s desperate remember. Donatella your a skank, your not even a sloaney like me.

  • Katie says:

    ^ Someone is posing as me again. But whoever it is..good answer. I’m in the middle of my exams so you can take over as me if you like.

  • fuck you says:

    She has got more fans than any of you lot s stop stalkin her you fuckin psycho freaks

  • andrew singh says:

    i never wrote that shit about james he is my oldest friend has two lamborginis and about ten other cars his father is a billionaire but he self made millions himself. james is very humble and polite and speaks badly about anyone so people can non even dare speak bad about him. i was in tramp when he paid the whole clubs bill for two hundred grand when he did not even kow most of the people there. so who ever posted as me get a fuckin life.

  • andrew singh says:

    i never wrote that shit about james he is my oldest friend has two lamborginis and about ten other cars his father is a billionaire but he self made millions himself. james is very humble and polite and speaks badly about anyone so people can non even dare speak bad about him. i was in tramp when he paid the whole clubs bill for two hundred grand when he did not even kow most of the people there. so who ever posted as me get a fuckin life.

  • Katie says:

    The princess of Luxembourg is 14 years old!!! WTF…

  • Katie says:

    Oh and there are no other unmarried princesses of luxembourg so she must be a princess of another mars or something you spaced out weirdo…get your information correct before you start posting jokes.

  • actually she is twenty years old her name is princess marie anunciatta von litchensteine and her mother is princess marghrita of luxembourg and her father is prince nicholas brother of the ruler of litchensteine the family own the bank lgt so shut up peasant who knows nobody from that world. who are you anyway. you dont know her or james so get your own life before judging others

  • rebecca crofton says:

    actually she is twenty years old her name is princess marie anunciatta von litchensteine and her mother is princess marghrita of luxembourg and her father is prince nicholas brother of the ruler of litchensteine the family own the bank lgt so shut up peasant who knows nobody from that world. who are you anyway. you dont know her or james so get your own life before judging others

  • rebecca crofton says:

    actually she is twenty years old her name is princess marie anunciatta von litchensteine and her mother is princess marghrita of luxembourg and her father is prince nicholas brother of the ruler of litchensteine the family own the bank lgt so shut up peasant who knows nobody from that world. who are you anyway. you dont know her or james so get your own life before judging others

  • rebecca crofton says:

    actually she is twenty years old her name is princess marie anunciatta von litchensteine and her mother is princess marghrita of luxembourg and her father is prince nicholas brother of the ruler of litchensteine the family own the bank lgt so shut up peasant who knows nobody from that world. who are you anyway. you dont know her or james so get your own life before judging others

  • rebecca croft says:

    actually she is twenty years old her name is princess marie anunciatta von litchensteine and her mother is princess marghrita of luxembourg and her father is prince nicholas brother of the ruler of litchensteine the family own the bank lgt so shut up peasant who knows nobody from that world. who are you anyway. you dont know her or james so get your own life before judging others

  • rebecca croft says:

    actually she is twenty years old her name is princess marie anunciatta von litchensteine and her mother is princess marghrita of luxembourg and her father is prince nicholas brother of the ruler of litchensteine the family own the bank lgt so shut up peasant who knows nobody from that world. who are you anyway. you dont know her or james so get your own life before judging others

  • rebecca crofton says:

    actually she is twenty years old her name is princess marie anunciatta von litchensteine and her mother is princess marghrita of luxembourg and her father is prince nicholas brother of the ruler of litchensteine the family own the bank lgt so shut up peasant who knows nobody from that world. who are you anyway. you dont know her or james so get your own life before judging others

  • rebecca crofton says:

    actually she is twenty years old her name is princess marie anunciatta von litchensteine and her mother is princess marghrita of luxembourg and her father is prince nicholas brother of the ruler of litchensteine the family own the bank lgt so shut up peasant who knows nobody from that world. who are you anyway. you dont know her or james so get your own life before judging others

  • rebecca crofton says:

    and for katies information vincent’s name is vincent van maasdijk he is a royalty from his mothers side and his father is the multi millionaire robert van maasdijk owner of attica asset management. vincent attends the regent business school called rbs in regents park, i have his telephone number and will give it to you if you stop slagging off friends of his and james’s like donnatella. donnatella is james and vincents very good friend so stop talking bad about them or you will get nothing. if you were nicer people would like you not argue with you

  • rebecca crofton says:

    and for katies information vincent’s name is vincent van maasdijk he is a royalty from his mothers side and his father is the multi millionaire robert van maasdijk owner of attica asset management. vincent attends the regent business school called rbs in regents park, i have his telephone number and will give it to you if you stop slagging off friends of his and james’s like donnatella. donnatella is james and vincents very good friend so stop talking bad about them or you will get nothing. if you were nicer people would like you not argue with you

  • michael soren says:

    this site is full of very strange odd people you should all stop speaking bad about each other

  • karl stratford says:

    you poor deluded girl that guy is pure evil he would bully everyone not just me and no one would touch him cause his family are some political mafia, but ony his slave like friends escaped his malice. he once did get beaten up and the next day the guy got visited by some goons he would never have the balls to clean up his own mess always it was a family bodyguard or an older cousin. my advice to you and this girl he is engaged to is stay far far away from him even now i’ve heard stories about him. and as for his charity work the only place he would spend a hundred grand is in a nightclub or a casino the whole family are massive gamblers bar his mother who is the only nice one in the whole family. if he has changed then its a miracle

  • karl stratford says:

    whatever if he,s so amazing how come camilla al fayed broke up with him

  • karl stratford says:

    ok you brain washed fool have fun as his slave

  • rebecca crofton says:

    im no one,s slave james is very close to my cousin ben and i stand up for people i like and respect.

  • karl stratford says:

    if i become his slave will he buy me champagne and a lambo i hear thats all he’s good for in life oh and a stunt number plate like all his cars which are compensating for something he is missing. he has ten cars now so that means he’s really small somewhere else.

  • rebecca crofton says:

    at least he can afford ten cars you probally take the bus

  • Katie says:


  • Andie Claire says:

    the only sad little person here is Katie, she must be a real loser if she’s been stalking the rich and famous here in this site for four years. It’s obvious she doesn’t know what she’s talking about so she should just get down from her high horse and learn something from her university in the outback instead of googling high society individuals to substantiate her elitist airs.

    p.s. I’m not Donatella and your constantly accusing everyone else of being her is pathetic and not to mention lame. Oh well, we must forgive her: “She’s obviously a jealous social climber”. Word of advice Katie, its easier to break into the best circles (or any group for that matter) if you were a nicer person.

  • Andie Claire says:

    Donatella isn’t porno, she’s sexy. You’re (Katie) just a conventual frigid prude who’s jealous of her. Again, I’m not her and I’m not a sloaney either. Sloane square is so 1980’s and many well born and nice people don’t live there. The sloane ranger handbook is outdated so I suggest you stop reading it and read something more constructive.

  • Katie says:

    Sure, you’re either Donatella or her stupid website moderator. Right, I’m a frigid prude because I don’t pose in lingerie and aim my ass at the camera and flash my bits at the press. God this girl needs a mirror…

    Oh and Donatella is not high society so I don’t know what “you” are talking about. She’s just upper middle class like me, except I have better taste.

  • Helen says:

    Dear all,

    Posting lies about a very private royal family could end up in a lot of trouble. I warn you not to tell these lies otherwise you could end up in more trouble than you could ever imagine. Please deframe from bringing royalty into such a silly thread.


  • range says:

    I am not Donatella and im not her moderator i think you all are so unfair towards her. I am not a fan but some of you are very obsessed!

  • Me says:

    OMG! LOSERS!!!

  • Joey says:

    I Couldnt agree more!

  • Me says:

    You’re all so scene! You spend all your time debating on the most pointless SHIT(!)ever! Why is who-ever’s wealth so important? It doesn’t fucking change how the world revolves.

    “Stunt is a peasant!” Why do you care so much? It’s evident by your jealousy that YOU’RE the JOKE!

    I charge you all with the task, which most of you will fail, to get LIVES!(!!!!!!!!!!)

    Fucking diots!

  • Me says:

    Fucking idiots*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Joey says:

    Woo Hoo!! 🙂 I’m liking this guy!!
    More more!

  • Lady C says:

    hehe, sooo true!

  • Lady C says:

    why dont we talk about like how like media or celeb consumed we are! xx

  • JZ says:

    I totaly agree with you guys! Who do you think is the biggest LOSER?

  • Joey says:

    Well… some of them have been involved in the same conversation for four years… thats pretty crazy is it not?…

  • JZ says:

    Tell me about it…It’s pretty obvious haha… They probably don’t have any friends. We should have some compassion (right!)

  • julia says:


  • James says:

    Donatella is now porn…
    scroll down:

    Her mother must be so proud!

  • Eric says:

    Donatella, 21, who thinks nothing of dropping a grand on a couple of designer T-shirts, was arrested and accused of credit-card fraud. Young Donatella’s papa, of course, is that most curious of cards, a convicted felon who heads a publicly quoted company. Dad Angelo, 45, runs Designer Vision, which installs in-car entertainment systems. The former boss of Browns nightclub in Covent Garden, he was jailed in 2000 for illegal possession of two handguns, having been cleared of other charges of allowing the supply of cocaine.

  • Lord Mohsin Khan says:

    Right now i own a bigger business than That Raj tosser n if he’s reading this brother learn from me cos u have a party on tv dnt make u rich show offs fall on their face!!! 07903379879 call me raj i’ll give u some advice abt shares on the market worth buying now in days of recession! im in central london n can still buy ur house with my lunch money! grow up