Belle de Jour crosses the atlantic

By January 16, 2004One Comment

News of the blog Belle De Jour, for a long while a favourite of, has crossed the Atlantic – New York Post’s article “Kiss & Tell” describes Belle as “a fascinating character” and digs into whether it’s a real blog or not. The daily updates detail the seedy and not-so-seedy life of a London call girl, but it’s not for that reason I read it: it’s mainly because Belle, as I’ve mentioned before, is a good writer. A very good writer. And as for whether it’s real or not: I hope it is. Some wonder how a call girl can write so darn well, but Belle defends herself: “I have met stone-boring Ph.D.s and plumbers who were geniuses. I don’t think job choice is necessarily a reflection of talent or intelligence.” I know that many of the places she describes are accurate, and hell, even if it isn’t real it’s a jolly good read. But catch it while you can: she’s hinted that she may not be around for that long. “It would be a little depressing,” she says, “to be known the rest of your life as the documentarian whore.”

One Comment

  • Kristin Gardner says:

    I am a Belle de Jour fan. Glad she got the book deal!
    I have tried to email my congrats to her, but for
    some reason, the address on her site doesn’t work for
    me. Do you know how to email her?
    Maybe it’s because I’m in the US?


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