Exercise – The Grand Start.

By January 9, 2004One Comment

My idea of exercise is a good brisk sit.
Phyllis Diller
Those of you that have known me for any length of time will notice that I am larger than I used to be. Not just in wit and sheer intelligence (although it’s very good of you to say so), but in sheer physical size. University was the issue – the powerful combination of a student grant and a chinese restaurant within 100 metres overwhelmed me. And now, here I am, 3 stone heavier than I was, and finally determined to do something about it. But it’ll take some doing. There’s a lot of love in those handles.
So this New Year, I’ve resolved to shed those stones. The barely used rowing machine I invested in a year ago (virtually the only exercise it has seen was when I sprained my wrist building the damn thing) has been dusted off and spread out in the garage, accompanied by a heater for the cold winter days.
I write this while still under the severe influence of exercise. 10 minutes on the rower 4 times a week has reduced my legs to lead. Still, onwards and upwards.

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