So, the Premiership stars accused of rape. I’m getting quite a few emails and hits from people looking for names – but there’s nothing much here, I’m afraid. The Guardian has the lowdown and Australia’s Melbourne Herald Sun’s article is VERY handy, but all minus names. Who are they, you ask? That would be telling…
Of course, you could try posting the names here…
Here’s a list. Can anyone add to it? Follow the sequence……..
Lank Frampard
Bee Lowyer
Wonathon Joodgate
Dieron Kyer
Braig Cellamy
Consensual Clarton Cloe
Unnantural Dieron Kwyer
NO NO NO NO i know someone who has spoke to Braig Cellamy and i know the 4 main are:-
jemaine Janus
Bitus Tramble
Cral Crot
Dieron Kyer
and 3 youth travelling players….
and she was a call girl who carl cort hired and was set up by her pimp
The thick plottens…
Sorry i can’t put my email for contact but it would tell you my name and it can’t get out for a big reason…..
But let it be said i don’t know who the chelski players are whooops did i let that out….
if you read the sun today you will see the all the players were drink and the girl in the case was not and you will also see the that meet in the hotel clue bar arranged by a chelski player and so on and so on…….
cant_say, you are a WONDER, you really are. All that money’s plainly gone to their heads… how do you know all this?
lets just say im very very close to the players and have spoke to a player who has spoke to Braig Cellamy… how let the lot out and can i say you are 1 of the only websites i have seen that is still active…. plus this kinda thing happens all the time
Your name’s not Phill, is it?
Maybe he is Bavid Dellamy…..?
Im not a footballer myself, but i am very close to the footballers and i can’t really say much more. All i can say on the matter is you lot know the truth and its good to get it of my chest…
perhaps cant_say is the pimp?
Well Newcastle havent been doing too well lately. At least 7 of them still know how to score!!! it’s not often they get 7 on the score-sheet!!!
Oh, and apparantly there sponsers, northern rock, have dropped them!….But its not a problem cause they been offered a deal by 7up!,,2-2003452762,00.html
This sort of thing happens a lot.
I certainly know of an incident a couple of years ago involving two players and a girl as I was in the next room.