NTL Part 2: It just goes on. After finally getting online at the end of last week, their servers went down. And then one of our components was faulty. And then we foudn the the expensive hardware we used in our old house wouldn’t work with NTL. But I heartily recommend any NTL users to phone up and try to cancel, as we did, because they give you the moon on a stick – upgrade to the top package, no charges for the next 2 weeks, cheap international calls, all for complaining! They’ve earned a reprieve…
i need your help!! i’m adding a monthly interview section to my site in which i interview a male and female. i’m trying to decipher the male mind as well as let guys in on the female mind. i need some questions to ask, and i know you and jac will come up with some great ones!! please email them to me if you can asap!! thanks!!
Have they offered a free IE spell chequer? (Thats a deliberate error by the way bugger chops)
Moon on a stick? Mars on a spoon? Twix on a spatula?
Wanker on a drug?