
By March 3, 2002One Comment

After this weekend, I’ve come to the conclusion that there should be an added clause in work contracts – if you socialise in the same town as your manager, on no account should you talk to each other outside of the office. This became especially true last night, when for the second time in as many weeks, I found my manager, who is a picture of authority and efficiency by day, in an impressively drunken state in our local nightclub. The whole authority aspect has taken a battering – I can barely look at her without smirking now. In her words, “Oh my god, I never want to see you again, i’m far too drunk”. I hope she was joking; I’m expecting to turn up for work tomorrow…

One Comment

  • Jeff Nooks says:

    He he, bet she’s embarrassed! Sounds like a good time to blackmail for a wage increase…
    Enjoying your updates, Wibbler! As you say, SPLENDID!

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