Robbie Williams

By November 18, 2001One Comment

Wow. Wow. Now, I haven’t been a BIG fan of Frank Sinatra and his friends crooning away, and I’m not a big groupie of Robbie Williams (although he’s an amazing entertainer). But I’m converted. I watched One Night with Robbie Williams last night, and it was possibly one to best things I’ve seen for years. The Frank Sinatra Foundation was so impressed that they allowed clips of Frank to be played throughout the songs, and as they were played, Robbie looked around the stadium in wide-eyed amazement at what he’d achieved. That was his first little cry. And as he held back tears at the end, he told the audience, “Thank you for making my dream come true.” The whole of the Albert Hall stood for a standing ovation. How can he top that?!

One Comment

  • maggie says:

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    We are both in our late fifties.

    Mrs Maggie Martin.

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