Big Brother 3

By May 29, 20024 Comments

I’m a big fan of Big Brother, even if they have started to charge people to watch the thing on the internet. Watching people doing nothing in particular is hugely fascinating to me. At work last year, we had the Big Brother internet stream on fullscreen on a devoted computer for the entire series. Hell, I even tuned in the other night to see in one of the contestants really did snore as much as my work buddy claimed (she was entirely right, as ever). So, Digital Spy’s Big Brother site is a godsend to me, but their devotion troubles me – do the site owners get any sleep?
(I’ve handily created a spanking new link on the right there, under the menu. You can thank me by way of a donation, if you must. Oh, go on.)


  • Jonola says:

    well I reckon, at this early stage of the game, that Spencer will win. Hopefully Lynne or Jade will be voted off first. Not that I watch it or anything…..

  • Wibbler says:

    I’m totally with you there, Jac. In fact, I’ve got ?10 at the bookies on Jade being the first to go, although I think Sunita’s just put the skids on that…

  • Paul says:

    Well- I though working people were ALWAYS up by 8.30 in the morning…seems I was wrong.

    If you didn’t stay up so late watching BB3 then maybe you’d feel a bit more perky in the morning.


    PS- Let’s make these comment sections a bit more interesting by posting totally irrelevant comments.

    eg- “A train has just gone passed my office window.”

    How about it Jac?!

  • Jac says:


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