Rather amusing Jac-related incidents: Jac decided to go to London for a few days to see employers face-to-face, showing his keen, I’m-desperate-for-a-job image. Which is nice. While feeling a little disgruntled that he’d only managed 2 job agencies in 2 hours, and had 20 to go, he packed it all in, and ambled home. However, a police car took a distinct liking to him, and followed the poor boy home. Finally, a policeman popped out and casually enquired whether he had, in fact, been mugging a dear old lady earlier in the day. Which, we all assume, he hadn’t. Still, being suspected of a mugging on your first day in London isn’t exactly a good omen, especially when the VERY NEXT DAY a women whose furniture he’s moving accuses him of pilfering her wallet. A professional mugger AND a thief – NOT something he should put on his CV, I think…