
Michel Harper

By September 10, 2003December 11th, 200932 Comments

Michel Harper is an influential bod in Guildford. I saw him yesterday in a local bar, chatting to a middle-aged couple. “It’s because you love Guildford so much, we’re so grateful to you” the woman said in reference to his various business empires. Harper grinned, and replied, “Well yes, I just think the people and the place has so much to give, and I want to help in any way I can. I love it here!”
Compare and contrast several of his now ex-colleagues’ conversation with me, after his no-show at a friend’s funeral: “He’s only here to make money. He hates the area and the community so much he spends most of his time in the Algarve…”


  • John Taylor says:


  • shunta says:

    If he likes Guildford so much why not take it to the Algarve? I would.

  • girl says:

    Michel Harper is a sleazy old man with too much money. he owns guildford because he conned ppl out of money, property and basically everything they have. what a candidate for surrey council

  • Wibbler says:

    Why’s that, Lauren?

  • SMITH says:

    Whether Micheal Harper is fond of Guildford or not is not interesting. The fact is that he is determined to ruin this beautiful historic town. The casino and Hotel are totally out of proportion and as for the wacky stadium idea (in which only children are in support of it)its ridiculous. Recently Guildford was named on the BBC for its binge drinkers, the police have stated they cannot cope, if there is a casino it will turn out to be some form of gangsta paradise with even more Bmws than there are already ( I believe every other car). In conclusion DOWN WITH HARPER

  • Guildford Resident says:

    Michael Harper needs to realise that the world does NOT revolve round him. I could understand the idea of a small casino in the high street, but a big 7 storey casino and a football stadium, now thats pushing it.

  • anonymous says:

    [Censored due to libelous content after contact from investigators]

  • wibbler says:

    Anonymous – who was L?

  • Bang em out says:

    [Censored due to libelous content after contact from investigators]

  • Anonymous says:

    So much anger directed at one man. I guess that’s what happens when you treat people with disregard.

  • Bang em out says:

    Further to my previous publishing, I am now writing to formally apologise for my comments and to retract my statements. These were unfounded, based on hearsay and believe them not to be true.

  • Anonymous says:

    personally i dissagree strongly with everyones opinions, it is true that his nightclub has increased binge drinking, but to be honest he is a top bloke.

  • anonymous says:

    [Censored due to libelous content]

  • Guildfordloves'michelle' haha says:

    [Censored due to libelous content after contact from investigators] I think its hilarious we used him to get in his own club for free, i felt good my money was not going towards the next grotesque Hummer the 60 year old wants to buy and i love my cars. I do think Steve won the casino too HA! Loving the Hays pissing on the harpers. wooo

  • fan of michelle harper says:

    to guildford lovs michelle. shut up you stupid prick of a girl. you are an attention seeking twat who deserves to be shot with a large gun, or clubbed to death with a spiked mace

  • anonymous says:

    I happen to know that Michel Harper is a kind hearted guy, who has never even been to the Algarve. Guildford is an expanding town with room for everyone…if you dont want to go to a casino…don’t! It doesn’t mean others shouldn’t have the chance!

  • Guildfordian says:

    Whether he is kind hearted or not he has been associated with projects aimed at ruining the status quo of Guildford, including a football team and a seedy casino. His other continual battle against the university involved recently trying to gain a community fm radio licence for his GU1 Radio (the student station is called GU2 Radio), thankfully it was rejected, and Michel Harper’s efforts to drag Guildford into the ditch were averted!

  • Helen says:

    Not just a casino but a license to have pole/lap dancers (and posters for this are already up – and’coming soon’.) Unfortunately the current laws on licensing for strip clubs are woefully inadequate-I believe they are not considered ‘sex establishments’ so can get away with the same legislative procedures as a pub! So despite council opposition and the wishes of many local people, we have a form of prostitution foisted upon the town, in a central location. Whilst there may be some Guildford people in favour of a pole dancing club, there is evidence to suggest that ordinary women walking home near such clubs experience increased harrassment (see the 2002 Camden ‘Lilith’ report)from the punters leaving -what about their rights? Lobby your MP for changes in the licensing laws.

  • Helen says:

    Not just a casino but a license to have pole/lap dancers (and posters for this are already up – and’coming soon’.) Unfortunately the current laws on licensing for strip clubs are woefully inadequate-I believe they are not considered ‘sex establishments’ so can get away with the same legislative procedures as a pub! So despite council opposition and the wishes of many local people, we have a form of prostitution foisted upon the town, in a central location. Whilst there may be some Guildford people in favour of a pole dancing club, there is evidence to suggest that ordinary women walking home near such clubs experience increased harrassment (see the 2002 Camden ‘Lilith’ report)from the punters leaving -what about their rights? Lobby your MP for changes in the licensing laws.

  • Helen Lumb says:

    Not just a casino but a license to have pole/lap dancers (and posters for this are already up – and’coming soon’.) Unfortunately the current laws on licensing for strip clubs are woefully inadequate-I believe they are not considered ‘sex establishments’ so can get away with the same legislative procedures as a pub! So despite council opposition and the wishes of many local people, we have a form of prostitution foisted upon the town, in a central location. Whilst there may be some Guildford people in favour of a pole dancing club, there is evidence to suggest that ordinary women walking home near such clubs experience increased harrassment (see the 2002 Camden ‘Lilith’ report)from the punters leaving -what about their rights? Lobby your MP for changes in the licensing laws.

  • Spartacus says:

    Well I have to say I didn’t believe this truly existed until I typed his name into Google and look what came up – a site full of hatred towards one person.

    As yet another manager of the worst example of a monopoly in late night entertainment falls by the weyside (no pun intended) the question must be asked how can so many people actually end up physically hating one person?

    Ah well, i’m sure all will come good in the end, after all – the actions of one against so many will come to haunt him eventually.

    All in good time people, because if there is a will, then there is a way, and yes – there is a f**king will, so there is a f**king way.

    Watch this space


  • I have to say that although I havn’t seen the man in years, I new him well many years ago and always thought he was a lovely bloke…….. maybe just misunderstood by those of a little green eye desposition.

  • YuliaB says:

    I’m so much agree with Claire Thomson. Michel is a top guy. I know him now for 4 years and he is absolutely lovely and kind, whether socially or business wise it alsways a pleasure to be in his company. If I would have enough money I would invest in his business adventures with no hesitation.

  • Team HLI Ltd says:


    Why don’t you come down and sample the delights for yourself. You can find more information on the Lion’s Den at http://www.viplion.com

    Kind regards,
    Harpers Leisure International Ltd

  • NAUGHTY OR NICE (: says:

    Hmmmm…people have way to much time on their hands…lol…I was just wondering what would come up if I googled his name and this popped up…I don’t think that one man is going to condemn the area…it is so funny to see how much time is waisted on hate and negativity..what are you doing to make your area a better place? xoxoxo!~T

  • jeff says:

    Its true we really should stop the negativity, although saying that I can’t believe some people have actually come on here saying hes a nice guy….Michael is that you??!
    Fair dos, he is pretty cool though, I mean if you had all that money and had the power to really make a difference to a place like guildford then what would you do?

    I wouldnt expect anything less from the guy who created three of the 4 worst venues in Guildford (Dusk being the fourth).
    Still, I believe one day he will wake up and realise he is and has been a complete numpty all his life (21/12/2012).

  • ur all such losers! says:

    Right, so all of u making rude comments about harper, how many of u have actually met him? NONE. rather than sit on your geeky computers all night long – being rude about someone who puts a lot of people first – me being one of those people – u should all just DO ONE! ur just a bunch of old farts who cant keep up with the times. best start learning as theres a lot more to come from harper – believe u me!!

  • Vicki says:

    everyone who is making hateful comments is just jealous of his success and money that they will never have. i live very close to him and hes constantly getting shit from people when there are millions of benefits cheats that i get to see every day. at least he has worked hard to make something of his life.

  • none says:

    Vicki, I don’t think it’s jealousy – there are plenty of people as rich as or richer than harper in Guildford, it’s just that they don’t choose to ruin the town like he does and this is why he is getting so much hate, which is well deserved in my opinion. There are better things to do with your money than encourage drinking, gambling and strippers..these are things which will slowly erode the social state of a place like guildford…but in a world where cash is king, what do you expect? People tend to do what they can to make as much money as possible without thinking about the concequences. I’m sure he’s not a horrible man, just a bit mislead and narrow minded- unable to see past his profit margin…well hopefully one day he will read this page and realise that maybe he could do something positive with all the property and cash he’s accumulated!

  • Mr Harper is legendary in the Entertainment industry and politics
    Why he is so famous he is in Hansard

    You cannot blame Mr Harper for all of Guildford’s problems (just a selection). Yes, his tastes may be crass and his behaviour naughty but it is not Mr Harper who changed the licenceing laws to allow more strip clubs and casinos and neither is it Mr Harper who continues to let them endure – pull the wool from your eyes and you will see who really pulls the strings. Harper only exists because politicans will him to exist.

    One also has to laugh at the Council who seem determined to persue him over everything even to the extent of giving him the type of positive publicity money cannot buy.

    If there were no Mr Harpers who would the politicians have to blame society’s problems on. They’d have to find another scapegoat.

    You might think Mr Harper vulgar and indeed he is – but that is why he is in entertainment. People without forceful and colourful personalities do not become promoters.

    I would not argue that his businesses are completely ethical but who of us, hand on our hearts, can say that all our business dealings are completely ethical. Was it not Adam Smith who said that it is the self-interest of the individual that drives positive social change rather than his benevolence? I just thought I’d mention that as you are Tories – or at least you voted for one.

    Please stop demonising entertainers and promoters
    These are the results
    ordinary people are excluded from the business while the Mr Hapers of the world remain untouched – because politicians do not actually want to touch them. Who would they have to blame for everything if Harper was not there?

    And please consider signing the petition


    Anthony Miller
    Managing Director
    Pear Shaped in Fitzrovia

  • Jake Fellows says:

    There is nothing wrong with casinos, Nighclubs or Strip bars.
    If you don’t like them don’t go into them simple.

    Why do people waste so much time with jealousy

  • the honey pot says:

    As a cabbie in Guildford town all i hear is that Harper is a A**hole, even if he opens a casino / hotel it would cause more of a problem than a solution. I say move over Harper and sell to another club owner who knows what he or she is doing, and wont over charge the punter on the price of a pint or the entery fee after a certan time, that way everyone will be happy and more trade will come back not just to the cabbie but also to the town, Because being a cabbie I have noticed more people go to the train station to go out in other towns where it is cheaper to have a drink and a night out, people would prefer to spend a bit more on transport to spend less in a nightclub..So move over Harper your time is up.

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