Silverstone Development

By July 18, 2003One Comment

You’ll remember my entry recently about Jac’s amazing Grand prix prize.
Well, he got a letter this morning, a selected part of which Jac emailed me.
“Sadly,” it began, “due to budget cuts”… That alone was enough to make a
broad grin on my face, purely out of cranky spite… “we will not be flying in.”
Oh. His helicopter flight is cancelled. I’m expecting another letter to plonk
onto his doormat in the next couple of days. “Sadly,” it might begin, “due
to budget cuts, we will by transporting you via a luxurious rickshaw to the
local go-karting circuit, where you can see many young stars racing round an
unfeasibly small track. You will of course still be entitled to free food
and drink – Cathy’s Burger Bar will be ready and waiting for your orders. We
hope you enjoy your day.”

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